091-9210337 info@hed.gpk.pk
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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Higher Education Research Endowment Fund

Minister Higher Education Message

For the sustainable economy and community advancement the scope of higher education is continuously increase day by day, and will remain over the next decades. Higher education can be seen as a focal point of knowledge and its application, an institution which makes a great contribution to the economic growth and development through fostering innovation and increasing higher skills. It is looked as a way to improve the quality of life and address major social and global challenges. Higher education is broadly defined as one of key drivers of growth performance, prosperity and competitiveness.

The priority of our government is to bring change through education. It is in the manifesto of our party and we are bound to achieve the goals set by our leadership. In order to bring department at par with the standards of modern world, the process of reforms has also been initiated within the department. The purpose is to restructure the Department to cope with the challenges of tomorrows. I take this great opportunity to request you to encourage us by giving necessary advice, guidance and positive critism in this regard. Yours suggestions/ inputs will always welcome.

Higher Edu Deptt GoKP

Civil Secretariat Peshawar, Gate No: 05, Block-B, Opposite Minister Block, 091-9210337 / 9214427-28

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